I will apologize up front – this is a looooooonnnnggg post! Sorry – but you know you love it!
We have been working on the upper level of our house for a few months now. And when I say we – you all know who I really mean right? That would be hubby dearest, who has been working since January, not steadily mind you :), but still working on our Guest Room and now on the Master Bedroom.
As I promised in my last post, I’ve got some pictures of the Guest Room to share with you. These are limited shots as the part of the room you don’t see is full of all the tools, drop sheets, paint, etc… from the work in the Master.
First here is a reminder of what it looked like during the transformation …

This is looking in from the hallway. The room was a very tired looking beige colour. 
Here is hubby in the old closet, which is now opened on the opposite side into the Master Bedroom. 
We are looking from the middle of the room out to the hallway. The newly built closet is on the right. That ugly seafoam green in the hallway is also in the stairwell, the hallway on the main level AND the kitchen (with a matching countertop and backsplash - ARGGGHHHH!). And you’d better believe it is on the list to change!
And now – a sneak peak introduction to the new Guest Room:

The new closet complete with colonial sliders, the new colonial trim and the new colonial interior door. We also installed new switches and outlets. The room colour is Benjamin Moore’s Silver Marlin and the trim is Benjamin Moore’s Snowfall White. As I mentioned in my last post, the Silver Marlin can read a variety of colours throughout the day, turquoise in the morning and afternoon, blue in the evenings and with the light on at night it reads lavender. I love that I’ve got so many different colours out of one paint choice!
Here are some vignettes of the room:

The throw pillows were purchased at Loblaws for $6.99 each. The duvet is actually half of a duvet (it snaps together with another one the same size for the colder months), the other half will be used when I put the second matching twin bed in the room (currently being used by daughter #1 in her basement bachelorette pad :)).
The desk in the first couple of pictures was a gift from my hubby about 10 years ago, back when I was tele-commuting frequently and needed a compact space to work that I could just close up at night when I was done. It was bought at a local furniture store – Randalls – that I will do a post about in the next little while.
Since I’ve stopped tele-commuting, the desk has been used by both my girls as dressers. It is now used to house the myriad of treasures I’ve picked up at HomeSense, Winners, Value Village, Salvation Army, etc… While I was taking pictures, I decided to check out the goodies.
In it I found the lovely gifts I won from Low Tide High Style:

This is not their final destination, but until I get some shelves up, I thought I’d get some pictures. (Hey I think this means I can cross another one off my list !!!) The lamp is one of two I picked up a year or so ago at RONA for $15.99.
Here are some other goodies I found:
Some glass vases I picked up at Value Village for $1.99 each. The stones I already had and the beautiful turquoise shell is from Low Tide High Style’s giveaway.
These vases I picked up at a little shop near my parent’s apartment in Long Sault, Ontario (the gateway to the Long Sault Parkway), the name escapes me at the moment, but it is a treasure trove of lovely gifts! 
I got these mugs there too - $1.99 each. I love the colour and pattern! 
And finally these candlesticks I picked up at Value Village for 99 cents each – gorgeous!!
Once we get finished with the Master, I’ll be styling this room with more furniture, shelves and wall art, but until then you’ll have to do with this little sneak peak :)!
As you know, we are working on our Master Bedroom closet. As most things do, this has now morphed into a complete redo – new closet, new paint colour, new trim and new doors (closet and room). Work is underway – as I type – on the painting so I can’t show you pics, but I can show you paint colours – which is almost half the fun …
I’m loving the new grays lately so was looking for something along those lines, but that would complement this bed that we bought about a year ago, the Amisco Erika Headboard in Oxidado (a copper brown) finish.

I loved Nancy from Marcus Design’s front entry colour, which is Benjamin Moore’s Revere Pewter.

And a couple of weeks ago I attended a Pittsburgh Paint event and came away with a coupon for a free gallon of paint, so I thought I’d check out their fan-deck to see what I could find that was close to the same colour, and give them a try at the same time.
Here’s what we decided on (and by we you know who I mean right?):
With the same trim colour as the Guest Room:
Next I’ll be choosing a paint colour for my dresser …
So stay tuned….