Hey folks - I am particiapting the Rewind Wednesdays blog party over on Design Ties . Check out this post on Staircase Runners and then head back over to Design Ties to read other Rewind posts!

This has been one busy week - one sick daughter to get to Doctor appointments and the other one getting ready for a trip to Europe. In between that and work, I found some time to research staircases - specifically carpet treatments for same. One of our little dogs is getting up in years and having a hard time with stairs. There have been a few tumbles and now he just flatly refuses to go up or down. We have hardwood treads that have little grip for a small dog, so we are looking at our options to make it easier for him. I don't think the one on the right will do :)
While I was researching, I came across many gorgeous staircases that serve as inspiration:

From Design with Christine - I love the straight treatment on a curved stair - highlights the gradual widening curve at the base of the stairs.

And lastly - I found a fellow blogger had done some research of her own -- check it out at: