I am totally psyched!!!

Check it out at
…a paint spray gun!!!
Yep – not jewellery, not perfume, not vacations – and just for Kelly at Design Ties – not a hippopotamus (check her post to see what I mean :) ).
When we were visiting with my sister-in-law in NB this past summer, she was all over the paint gun. She has some very NICE pieces of furniture that have been re-finished with a paint gun, not to mention all of her interior doors, trim and some cabinets.
Now, I’ve got several projects on my to do list (including my latest secret furniture project) that could be tackled much faster if I were to use a spray gun rather than a roller of brush. After the dining room table project, I wasn’t too happy with the finished product. Although I love the colour and the fact that I’m no longer serving dinner on an eyesore, it would look so much better if it was an even smooth finish. The more I think about getting a paint spray gun, the more projects are added to the list!
So when Santa asked me “What would you like for Christmas?”, I quickly responded “A paint spray gun”. Of course, the next question was “Which one?”. Yikes – WHICH ONE?
A couple of hours Googling Paint Spray Guns and I’ve come up with the top two High Volume Low Pressure guns …
Both are supposed to be easy to use, under $100 and are well suited for painting decorative finishes, trim, furniture, cabinets and crafts. Perfect … right up my alley.
I also tried to check out fellow bloggers who use spray guns and was cautioned by John & Sherry at Young House Love to get ALOT of practice before working on a big project as you have to get used to using it and could end up with blotchy or drippy coverage. Hmmm – guess what I’ll be doing over the holidays ???
Sooo … have any of you used a paint spray gun? I would love to hear your recommendations?
Last month my blog was honoured by my friends Kelly & Victoria over at Design Ties with a “Kreativ Blogger” award.
To receive this award I have to reveal 7 things you didn’t know about me. Well, if you ask anyone who knows me, I’m a pretty open book, but I’ll try to come up with some goodies. Here goes:
1 - I am a pack rat. Yep, I’ve got closets of bags and boxes and a basement full of Rubbermaid bins, boxes and shopping bags full of stuff. I am learning to de-clutter (as I mentioned in one of my first posts on this blog – Spring Cleaning). It is a very healthy and cleansing process, but sometimes, just sometimes, I miss my stuff :(.
2 - Hubby and I met when we were 18 while we both lived at the local YM-YWCA. We have been together since – a total of 33 years – married for 27 of those – and I wouldn’t trade a single day!
3 - I love to drive. Before we moved to our current house we had a 1 hour commute to work and back. I did not mind it all – it was my wind-down time – I would think about what happened during the day or listen to music. I love long distance road trips and have often driven a good part of our trips down east or to Florida. I would love to try driving a racecar – just once!
4 - I am a member of a group of 6 women that have been friends for 30 years. We get together as often as we can, and once a year we take a week to get away together. In the beginning, we camped for the weekend, then added a day or two over the years and finally graduated to a week at a cottage. We will celebrate 25 years in 2010 and are looking for a special trip to celebrate this great milestone.
5 - I L-O-V-E Sudoku. I play every chance I get. I even have the app on my Blackberry.
6 - Although I have no where near the reported 3000 pairs of shoes that Imelda Marcos owned, I do have my fair share (OK a few people’s fair share) of shoes. I haven’t counted (I’m afraid to) but most of my closets at home have a couple/ten pair, then there’s the box I have at work, the rubbermaid bins in the basement…
7 - This probably isn’t news given the amount of time it’s taken me to respond to this award – but I procrastinate. Not on purpose, it just comes naturally – a gift you could say (or NOT!). Sometimes it works in my favour, but most times not.
So there you have it … 7 things you didn’t know about me.
I know that the rules are that I should pass this award on to 7 creative bloggers who will then tell all about their 7 things, but given the busy time of year we are in, I’m going to pass on this. Instead, I’m just going to list 7 bloggers who inspire me with their creativity – no strings attached. My gift to you!